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About us

Swaraj Shares & Securities Pvt. Ltd. was founded in the year 2000 under the able leadership of Mr. Ravi Shankar Agarwal and Mr. Raj Agarwal. Our company offers informed, goal-oriented, and personalized financial decisions to individuals as well as corporates. It has been nearly 22 years since our inception and a lot has changed in the financial landscape but what has not changed are our fundamental principles. Our core philosophy of enhancing the financial security of our clients, in ways that are both ethical and also technologically advanced as per the industry standards is what keeps our company and its stakeholders a step ahead in the market. We manage assets worth more than Rs. 170 crores and have more than 400 clients across India.

How do we help our clients?

Swaraj Shares & Securities helps you to invest with confidence and safety while helping you to explore potential opportunities in all kinds of market conditions. We believe that every investor has unique needs and goals but all of them have one thing in common and that is- to keep faith in a trusted investment advisor that truly understands their financial plans. This is where we play our role of offering specialized advice, keeping them informed and implementing effective strategies in an impartial way.

What are our offerings?

Rooted in Kolkata but possessing a strong network across the country, we offer our clients expertise and professional guidance drawn from our long-term experience in the industry to build a diversified investment portfolio. While it sounds like a complex process to a beginner, we ensure that all our clients, irrespective of their investment experience, get to witness a broad spectrum of investment vehicles like stocks, mutual funds, debt portfolio management, corporate advisory services, etc.

What makes us different?

While all mutual funds distributors would tell you that their goal is to help you achieve your financial plans, they either plan your finances as per their organizational goals or as per the industry standards. Our approach is unique and that makes a big difference to the end result that our clients get to see.

We don’t compete. We analyze your goals, our specific research departments identify effective investment vehicles for your finances, we inform you about the solutions we can offer and once you approve of our strategies, our team of professionals actively manages your portfolios to ensure that your hard-earned money reaps rewards for you. We have a progressive approach towards investment planning and that helps us to retain our clients for longer tenures and acquire new clients efficiently.

Our Mission

We strive to equip people with financial know-how so that when they invest money in various places, they are aware of what they are doing. This helps them, financial institutions like us, and eventually, the economy of the country. To meet this goal, we had formed Swaraj Shares & Securities Pvt. Ltd. which caters to the short-term as well as the long-term goals of people while educating them and keeping them informed all through the journey.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the most trusted, the most preferred, and the most effective mutual funds distributor in the country. We believe in what we do and we practice what we preach.


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